District 8 NewsletterSep 24, 2019Bringing Fresh Foods to YouThe City of Jacksonville issued an RFP No. P-27-18 and hired TBCG (Tony Brown Consultant Group) to provide program recommendations for...
District 8 NewsletterSep 24, 2019Shutting Down Illegal Internet Cafe'sLegislation 2019-209 has been introduced to close all illegal gaming rooms in Duval county. This legislation prohibits simulated gambling...
District 8 NewsletterSep 24, 2019Liquor store Application Denied!District 8 residents and businesses in the Moncrief community opposed legislation that could have been harmful to the community, ...
District 8 NewsletterSep 10, 2019JTA InitiativesReady Ride, a new service offered by JTA providing affordable. This is on-call transportation to customers within Beaches, Highlands,...
District 8 NewsletterAug 27, 2019Farming Powered by the SunToday’s energy landscape is changing, and JEA is leading the way. JEA is embarking on by installing a major solar expansion that will...
District 8 NewsletterAug 27, 2019Rowe Avenue StreetlightsLet there be light. The long awaited streetlights have been installed on Rowe Avenue from Moncrief Rd. to Lem Turner. This new...
District 8 NewsletterAug 27, 2019JEA Electric ImprovementIn the next few months, JEA will be in the area upgrading and replacing the main electric feeder line that serves your neighborhood. When...
District 8 NewsletterAug 20, 2019JEA Projects: It's SepticThe City of Jacksonville, working in partnership with JEA, is initiating a program to eliminate existing septic tank systems throughout...